A red beer brewed in Norwich and Belgium will launch at parties on both sides of the channel at the same time.
Four renowned Norfolk breweries have joined forces with a brewhouse in Leuven, Belgium, to brew a special beer in celebration of their joint heritage.
The Norfolk-Flanders beer collaboration, has brought four Norfolk breweries – Grain, Moongazer, Tindalls and Poppyland – together with the Belgian brewery Brouwerij de Coureur.
The quintet of breweries have been working their magic to create a red beer, brewed in both countries which is set to be released on both sides of the channel at the same time.
Phil Halls from Grain Brewery said: “We have named the beer ‘Strangers’ Red’, in memory of the Strangers who came from Flanders and the lowland regions in Belgium, beginning in the 15th century, and who brought with them textile skills that became a major industry in Norwich.
“’Norwich Red’ was a famous dye traded at the madder market, hence the name and colour of the beer.”
The Norfolk breweries visited Leuven in September to brew with their Belgian friends, and will be brewing the beer again at Moongazer Ales at the start of October.Both versions of the beer will be available side-by-side to try when Strangers’ Red is launched on Friday 25 October at Grain Brewery’s pub, The Plough, in Norwich. This is set to coincide with the start of CAMRA’s ‘not-a-beer-festival’.
Phil said: “I’m heading back to Flanders to collect the beer we brewed in Leuven, as well as some other Belgian beers from the area, so we can compare how the water, hops and malt of the two regions differ, even though the recipe is the same.”
The collaboration follows on from last year’s successful collaborations with the breweries in the Flanders region of Belgium.
The launch party is open to all, and visitors will see a live-stream with the Belgian brewery as the beer is made available at 7pm. The brewers will be around from 6pm to chat about the beers, and other Belgian beers will be available.
It’s set to be a real celebration, and to commemorate the event a plaque will be unveiled. Food will be available, and DJs will keep visitors partying into the evening.
The Strangers’ Red launch party takes place from 6pm on Friday 25 October at The Plough, St Benedicts St, Norwich, with a beer go-live time of 7pm.
For more information visit www.grainbrewery.co.uk